Documents Required

1:- Cnic (Computerized National Identity Card)

2:- Mobile Number

Please provide your mobile number for verification purposes, ensuring that it is accurate and up-to-date.

3:- Child Registration Certificate / Bayform –

This document, known as the Child Registration Certificate or Bayform, is essential for parents or guardians to obtain for their children. It serves as a vital record that establishes the official registration of a child’s birth and provides important details about their identity. T

4:- Bijli and Sui Gas Bills: Getting to Know Your Monthly Expenses**

Hey there! When it comes to managing your household budget, keeping an eye on your Bijli (electricity) and Sui gas bills is super important. These bills can really affect your monthly spending since they cover two essential utilities. By understanding how your usage impacts these costs, you can manage your energy consumption more effectively.

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